In case you like birth stories...if not, skip this...
Oh, and just so you know...Seamus is pronounced Shay-mus. I considered spelling his name Sheamus, but Greg prefers the original, proper Irish spelling. Seamus is the Irish form of James. We will usually go by the shorter version of Shea (Shay). I first loved the name Shea when I watched the movie "White Squall" back in highschool. It has always been one of the top boy names on our list, but we saved it til now.
So I'll try to write my birth story in a short but sweet fashion...
As most of you know...I thought my water had broken on Friday, and I was having contractions every 10-15 min. apart. Turns out water hadn't broken, but contractions never did stop after that. Sadly they carried on for days (and nights). On Tuesday morning they had changed to quite large ones that were starting to take my breath away. I knew I was close. I had an appointment that morning and found out that I was already 4-5cm dilated and 80%effaced. I knew that if things got more severe, that I should go in quickly. The contractions did continue to worsen, radiating to the front and causing back ache. They didn't get too much closer together, still about every 10 min. but they were getting stronger. I walked and picked up my son from school about 4pm, told my friends that I think I'm in labor for REAL now. I gave our friends the warning that I might need to drop off the kids with her soon. By 5:30pm I knew it was time to head out. We dropped the boys off, and away we drove. I was still pretty happy in between contractions, but stopping talking during them. We arrived to the hospital around 6pm and checked in. I started getting more severe contractions, still only about 10min. apart. I was checked in triage and was a solid 6cm. The nurse there made it sound as though it would be hours yet, so start walking around. No sooner had we started walking the halls, when the contractions picked up in speed and intensity. About 5min. apart and very painful. I was having deja vu of my past two labors and dreading what was to come!! At least I was happy to know that the end was turning back now. The contractions picked up to more like 2 min. apart by the time we got back from the hall and into triage again. Then I had this killer contraction that was never ending!! I told hubby that I needed something now...gas or drugs, whatever...I couldn't catch my breath anymore and was crying throughout the entire thing. The nurses insisted they had to check me again to see where I was at. But the contraction just wasn't ceasing!! I managed to lay down for a sec in total oblivion and was at 7cm. The nurses started taking me seriously at this point and had a wheelchair ready to take me into delivery. I was still in a contraction that was about 10min. in length. I needed something now, if I was only at 7cm!! I was dying. Give me the gas, somebody!! They got me up on the bed and said we have to check you again just to make sure its worth giving you drugs. (I am still in a super never ending contraction and have started grunting). Nope, you're ready Sarah, you can start pushing. What?! I went from 7 -10cm in one solid nasty contraction. I couldn't believe it was already time to push. We had just got to the hospital!? But ugh! the pain. They popped my water for me, I grabbed some gas and then on the next contraction started pushing. I was anticipating hours of feirce back pain and soreness of pushing like with the two boys I had previously. But not this time!! On only the 3rd contraction, Shea decided to make his entry into the world. I was screaming in pain as the ring of fire was upon me. Couldn't believe he was here. Greg was reassuring me...I see him already!! And then it was over...he was out and screaming. They put him on my chest and he was perfect and healthy. I was so happy!! I had only a little tear that required 2 stitches, and the precious baby was only 8lbs 6oz!! Over a pound smaller than my others. To me he is absolutely tiny and floating in his outfits. I love it. His hands and feet are long and skinny, so unlike his big brothers who had chubby little everything.
I wish this was the end of the story, but sadly no.
I had a shower and was heavily bleeding, but no biggie. I got moved out of delivery and into the postpartum unit. I was so happy and Greg and I were in awe at how fast Shea had come and how good I felt. After about an hour or two, the nurse was asking me to empty my bladder. On my way to the bathroom, blood and clots started to come like mad. I started to shake like a leaf. The next few minutes turn into a bit of a blur. The room filled with about 4 nurses and a doctor. I had one nurse putting an IV into me (never had one before) and another sticking a catheter into me (never had that either), the doctor was pushing clots out while a nurse was busy trying to massage my lazy uterus that had turned to mush. I was screaming in pain. They were poking around where I had just pushed a baby through. This shouldn't be happening!? I just did my job already!! Then the doc had some more medicine which he wanted to put up my rear! YUCK! I felt violated and angry and was in so much pain. Finally after a bunch more doctors coming in to push on my uterus and remove any blood clots, a few more needles and such, it was over. I was left crying and hurt, with a nasty IV and catheter. Thankfully though, my uterus was starting to harden again as the medicine did its magic.
And then that was it. I didn't sleep well that night as the medicine caused my uterus to contract all night long, and I couldn't move well due to the catheter. Thankfully Shea was a happy camper and wasn't really interested in feeding as he was so tired. I stayed an extra night in the hospital to ensure the bleeding was under control, and all went well after that. I got home today and feel really great, a whole lot better than I did after my first two. He is a little mucousy as he came through the canal so fast, so last night he had a lot of gas pain. Today he has been sleeping well and only eating every 4 hours. I haven't got his latch exactly perfect yet, so I'm a little sore. Milk should arrive in the morning, so that will help. The boys were super excited to meet their little bro and are excited about his tiny noises and features. Riley unfortunately has this nasty cold and fever and is sick on the couch today. Liam is wired and slightly jealous of the baby. He will enjoy having auntie Heather and grandma and grandpa here to play with him in the next few days.
Thanks for all your well wishes. We feel extremely blessed with our healthy boys. To be able to deliver without drugs three times over and live through it was fortunate too...I know a lot of people don't get the chance as complications arrive. I sure appreciated the intervention of the doctors when I needed it after delivery.
Just so good to be home and NOT pregnant!! Thanks for stickin it out with a grump the last few weeks!! He was worth it.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Fox & The Hounds
Seamus Alexander
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Though we could visually see the contractions on the monitors, it was determined that my water hadn't broken?! and so I was sent home again to wait it out. I must have had a serious boot to the bladder... enough to fill like 2 pads with fluid. I would have bet my life on the fact that it had broken, so they did 2 tests. So here I sit again with these annoying but not-big-enough contractions.
So sad. I thought it all would have been over by now.
So sad. I thought it all would have been over by now.
Friday, May 25, 2007
This is what I said just an hour ago as I was sitting out in the back alley with the boys and my water broke!!!
So things are finally happening!! I'm feeling good and happy and hopeful and mostly just plain excited that the end is in sight and we'll be meeting our baby soon!
Please pray and I'll keep you posted!!!
...later in the wee hours...
The boys went to our friends for supper and were put to bed at their house so we had a nice quiet evening to ourselves. We went for a walk and watched a movie. I decided I should try to get some sleep (before things escalate) at about 10:30pm. It is now 12:50am and I'm not able to sleep due to contractions and probably nerves!! I'll try again here, but it may turn out to be an all nighter. Greg is sleeping soundly!! :) The contractions aren't predictable at this point, so I don't plan on going in til they are more like 5 min. apart and/or we've reached morning.
So things are finally happening!! I'm feeling good and happy and hopeful and mostly just plain excited that the end is in sight and we'll be meeting our baby soon!
Please pray and I'll keep you posted!!!
...later in the wee hours...
The boys went to our friends for supper and were put to bed at their house so we had a nice quiet evening to ourselves. We went for a walk and watched a movie. I decided I should try to get some sleep (before things escalate) at about 10:30pm. It is now 12:50am and I'm not able to sleep due to contractions and probably nerves!! I'll try again here, but it may turn out to be an all nighter. Greg is sleeping soundly!! :) The contractions aren't predictable at this point, so I don't plan on going in til they are more like 5 min. apart and/or we've reached morning.
40 week appointment
For those of you who bother to check in anymore!! Yes...still here. I had a doctors appointment this morning. Not much to tell except that I'm 2cm dilated now, but the head is still quite high up there. She stripped my membranes for me (ouch) in attempts to get things started. All I feel is sore and yucky after that. I'm still measuring 38 weeks along but am gaining weight. The one nurse didn't figure that the baby seemed overly huge or anything, so I'm trying to keep optimistic. The baby has head down but is doing this funky leg splitz. It explains the crazy movement I'm getting!!
And that's it. Next appointment on Tuesday. From there they will do a stress test/ultrasound to check on baby's weight and/or if there are any reasons he is deciding not to come out!
It is super late here. I went and got my hair cut tonight and then had a visit from a good friend, Marie and her girls, which was a great distraction for the whole evening.
And man, wasn't LOST great last night!?! I can't believe I have to wait til September now to see more!
And that's it. Next appointment on Tuesday. From there they will do a stress test/ultrasound to check on baby's weight and/or if there are any reasons he is deciding not to come out!
It is super late here. I went and got my hair cut tonight and then had a visit from a good friend, Marie and her girls, which was a great distraction for the whole evening.
And man, wasn't LOST great last night!?! I can't believe I have to wait til September now to see more!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Are you fans of that show?! I think tonight is the huge finale!! I'm so excited. It has been the only show that I am hooked on and hate to miss. There really haven't been too many stellar shows on TV lately. I do watch a bit of the reality stuff from time to time (America's Next Top Model, American Idol, The Bachelor etc.) and occasionally Grey's Anatomy, but that's about it. As you can probably imagine, when I have time to waste, I usually spend most of my time on the computer instead. Other than this blog, I'm now part of Facebook, an MSN moms group from babies born in Dec.2001 (so since Riley was born...we're down to 5 members and are all quite close), a pregnancy weekly May moms group, and my Flickr photography site. I'm sure reading would be a more educational and productive pastime, but I tend to fall asleep. And though some people may view it as a total waste of time, I do find that making connections online is better than watching hours of pointless TV or playing some video game. I spend my mornings with the boys, usually outdoors, and as often as possible with friends. Evenings, when the kids are in bed is when I get this opportunity to "waste". I imagine I'll have more company dropping by in Salmon Arm and more yardwork and hey, a new baby!, to spend my time on in the coming days so you won't see me as much. I always would welcome that kind of "time-wasting" first, of course. But for now, the computer is sure nice to have.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
You're losers
Of the baby poll that is. We all have guessed wrong. Nobody wins...especially not me. Boo hoo.
So here we are. The big D-Day. Due dates officially SUCK!
I thought for sure I would be giving birth early. I thought a lot of things about this pregnancy that never happened. It's throwing me for a loop. I am mostly just impatient. I have really sore times in the evening and tons of contractions. I don't sleep well. I'm pretty cranky cuz I'm tired of having my life revolving around whether or not I'm about to go into labor. I don't know whether or not to send Greg to work or make him stay. I am getting nervous more and more, about his size especially. This is SO hard. I am assuming it can't go past this Thursday as I'll be begging the doctor at the appointment to strip my membranes...cuz goodness, enough is enough. I'm FULL term and already dilated. I've been walking, mopping, mowing, scrubbing...pretty much anything to get this show on the road and EVERYONE is waiting on me. I feel like I'm being watched and just am not pulling through for anyone. I know it'll all be a distant memory soon...that's why I'm writing about it. But PLEASE LORD! LET MY WATER BREAK! NOW!
So here we are. The big D-Day. Due dates officially SUCK!
I thought for sure I would be giving birth early. I thought a lot of things about this pregnancy that never happened. It's throwing me for a loop. I am mostly just impatient. I have really sore times in the evening and tons of contractions. I don't sleep well. I'm pretty cranky cuz I'm tired of having my life revolving around whether or not I'm about to go into labor. I don't know whether or not to send Greg to work or make him stay. I am getting nervous more and more, about his size especially. This is SO hard. I am assuming it can't go past this Thursday as I'll be begging the doctor at the appointment to strip my membranes...cuz goodness, enough is enough. I'm FULL term and already dilated. I've been walking, mopping, mowing, scrubbing...pretty much anything to get this show on the road and EVERYONE is waiting on me. I feel like I'm being watched and just am not pulling through for anyone. I know it'll all be a distant memory soon...that's why I'm writing about it. But PLEASE LORD! LET MY WATER BREAK! NOW!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Are you getting tired of seeing the grouchy tired prego lady?? I sure am, so I thought I'd update the blog and move that picture down a bit.
So I'm still here. I really can't believe it and it's getting harder for me to wait. I am SO done. I am tired of the questions and stares and I just want to have good news for a for the 100th time,
No, nothing is happening.
Moving on...
Are you enjoying the long weekend? We got a visit from my aunt Carla Marie. She comes to see us about once a year when she's out here for work or as in this case, for her daughters volleyball national tournament. We went out on Saturday to watch her play 3 sets at the Olympic Oval. Her team won every game. I'm not sure where her team stands now, but they should be done this morning. Go Ducks!! Seeing my cousin, who is now 15, makes me feel suddenly very old. I moved to Salmon Arm when I was 15. I met Greg that year, and was busy with my highschool friends and activities. Doesn't feel that long ago, except that my cousin was just a baby at that time!! Yikes, where does the time go.
We're going to hit the mall today. Would you believe that it's like sleeting here!? Like white stuff is actually falling out of the sky!! YUCK! I officially packed away the boots and snowpants, so the kids are just going to have to play indoors. My peas are coming up in the garden, yet its almost snowing. There's Calgary weather for ya.
Anyway...enjoy the rest of your weekend!! I'll try.
So I'm still here. I really can't believe it and it's getting harder for me to wait. I am SO done. I am tired of the questions and stares and I just want to have good news for a for the 100th time,
No, nothing is happening.
Moving on...
Are you enjoying the long weekend? We got a visit from my aunt Carla Marie. She comes to see us about once a year when she's out here for work or as in this case, for her daughters volleyball national tournament. We went out on Saturday to watch her play 3 sets at the Olympic Oval. Her team won every game. I'm not sure where her team stands now, but they should be done this morning. Go Ducks!! Seeing my cousin, who is now 15, makes me feel suddenly very old. I moved to Salmon Arm when I was 15. I met Greg that year, and was busy with my highschool friends and activities. Doesn't feel that long ago, except that my cousin was just a baby at that time!! Yikes, where does the time go.
We're going to hit the mall today. Would you believe that it's like sleeting here!? Like white stuff is actually falling out of the sky!! YUCK! I officially packed away the boots and snowpants, so the kids are just going to have to play indoors. My peas are coming up in the garden, yet its almost snowing. There's Calgary weather for ya.
Anyway...enjoy the rest of your weekend!! I'll try.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Promised Belly pictures
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Cheers. To friends.
I just had to write a little blog about friends. I have been blessed in life with many different types of friends in all the many places I have been.
Last year when Riley was in preschool, I met some cool ladies during the pick up/drop off times. One actually has joined our church and sold our house for us!!
This year I have walked Riley to kindergarden every day and we are required to stand outside and wait with our children until the teachers come out and take them in. This has led to many more relationships. Kids are great for that!!
One mom lives only blocks from my house and so we often walk half way home together. She has two boys as well, and just had a baby girl. As time has gone on, we've gotten to know eachother more and just wish we had met sooner! Our little toddlers are best buddies now...
Check it out....we went for a big walk to the lake today.

Liam calls him Bwodee (Brody) and Brody calls him Weeam.
Last year when Riley was in preschool, I met some cool ladies during the pick up/drop off times. One actually has joined our church and sold our house for us!!
This year I have walked Riley to kindergarden every day and we are required to stand outside and wait with our children until the teachers come out and take them in. This has led to many more relationships. Kids are great for that!!
One mom lives only blocks from my house and so we often walk half way home together. She has two boys as well, and just had a baby girl. As time has gone on, we've gotten to know eachother more and just wish we had met sooner! Our little toddlers are best buddies now...
Check it out....we went for a big walk to the lake today.

Liam calls him Bwodee (Brody) and Brody calls him Weeam.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Still here
Yup. And belly is still large.
I have a doctor appointment in a few minutes here, and then I hope to go immediately into labor :)
I'll give you the details later this afternoon and will take some LAST prego pictures today. (Well that's MY plan.)
Hubby (Greg) came with me to the doc for the first time this pregnancy and got to meet my new doctor who I totally love, so that was good. I'm sure hoping she'll be around when it's time to deliver.
Not too much has changed. I've officially gained 10kg, I'm between 1-2cm dilated, 25%effaced, soft/med. position. Measuring 38weeks. that can all mean one of two things...
a) I'll be delivering in the next 12 hours.
b) Nothing at all.
Don't you just love the waiting game?!
I have a doctor appointment in a few minutes here, and then I hope to go immediately into labor :)
I'll give you the details later this afternoon and will take some LAST prego pictures today. (Well that's MY plan.)
Hubby (Greg) came with me to the doc for the first time this pregnancy and got to meet my new doctor who I totally love, so that was good. I'm sure hoping she'll be around when it's time to deliver.
Not too much has changed. I've officially gained 10kg, I'm between 1-2cm dilated, 25%effaced, soft/med. position. Measuring 38weeks. that can all mean one of two things...
a) I'll be delivering in the next 12 hours.
b) Nothing at all.
Don't you just love the waiting game?!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mothers Day Wishes

First off, Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there...especially mine.
This is the card I sent to my mom...
Why did the mom cross the road?
No one could tell, really.
She was mumbling to herself about PEACE and QUIET.
She circled the block a couple of times and came back a LOT happier.
This is the card that Riley gave to me this morning...(interview style)
1. What is your mother's job? Moms take care of us. She watches us cross the street, and watches out for me. She cleans the house up, and helps us get healthy. She has a baby in her tummy so sometimes I help her do the dishes.
2. What does your mom look like? My mom has a brown sweater. She looks like she has a big ball in her tummy. My mom's eyes are blue and her hair is brown. When she gets up in the morning her eyes look foggy because she doesn't have her glasses on.
3. How old is your mother? My mom is 30 years old.
4. Tell what you like to do with your Mom and why she is special. I like to do crafts and painting with my mom. I like playing with her too. We play cars and computer games. My mom is special because I love her.
Love Riley
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Something New
We're having a busy Saturday of cleaning up and getting rid of things. Greg is just on his way to the dump with our second load. I have done a bit more packing and boxed up our winter gear (yippee!) and a few more things for moving day. We're totally going to need that 26 footer we have reserved!
This morning for breakfast we had this...

Any guesses? It's dragon fruit. It was actually quite yummy. It sort of has a similar taste and consistency of kiwis or the inside of grapes. Pretty funky fruit, if you ask me.
And this is what you may look like after you eat it...
This morning for breakfast we had this...
Any guesses? It's dragon fruit. It was actually quite yummy. It sort of has a similar taste and consistency of kiwis or the inside of grapes. Pretty funky fruit, if you ask me.
And this is what you may look like after you eat it...
Friday, May 11, 2007
Any action??
Is that what you're asking?? And do you keep checking my blog for baby news??
Well I got NOTHIN.
And you know what? I'm ok! I actually am calm right now. I've come to realize that I'm just destined to have large babies and my body doesn't want to deliver until they are nice and plump. Sure I have these reoccurring flash-backs of the 6 hours I've spent in the past pushing them out (that doesn't include the labor part of things). Not something that one can easily forget. So every now and then I get that butterfly freaked out nervous feeling of what is to come. Yet I'm still a little too stubborn and nervous to consider an epidural too I don't know what will happen. I personally think I handle labor pretty well. I do start to lose it a little at the end when you just don't understand how in the world the baby is going to come out. You've just gone through hours of pain and then you're expected to push like you mean it?? Hello?
Sorry, not trying to freak out those of you who haven't had babies yet. It can't be all that bad if I was willing to sign up again, right? That, or somehow I had some serious memory loss during the time I was trying to conceive again.
But ya, anyway, who knows what's going to happen this time around...I guess we'll all find out soon.
Very soon.
Well I got NOTHIN.
And you know what? I'm ok! I actually am calm right now. I've come to realize that I'm just destined to have large babies and my body doesn't want to deliver until they are nice and plump. Sure I have these reoccurring flash-backs of the 6 hours I've spent in the past pushing them out (that doesn't include the labor part of things). Not something that one can easily forget. So every now and then I get that butterfly freaked out nervous feeling of what is to come. Yet I'm still a little too stubborn and nervous to consider an epidural too I don't know what will happen. I personally think I handle labor pretty well. I do start to lose it a little at the end when you just don't understand how in the world the baby is going to come out. You've just gone through hours of pain and then you're expected to push like you mean it?? Hello?
Sorry, not trying to freak out those of you who haven't had babies yet. It can't be all that bad if I was willing to sign up again, right? That, or somehow I had some serious memory loss during the time I was trying to conceive again.
But ya, anyway, who knows what's going to happen this time around...I guess we'll all find out soon.
Very soon.
Yesterday I had fun taking photos for another friends newborn. He wouldn't sleep for me, unfortunately. When they won't sleep, it's pretty much impossible to keep them in those cute little Anne Geddes type positions. I tried my best. Good to get practice for my new one...

The weather has been great so we've been outside a lot.

I got the boys hair cut yesterday, so they are looking a little less scruffy. They also look so much older when their hair is shorter. Like big brothers.

The weather has been great so we've been outside a lot.
I got the boys hair cut yesterday, so they are looking a little less scruffy. They also look so much older when their hair is shorter. Like big brothers.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Happy Birthday Callie Jean!
It has been a whole year since Callie joined our cutie little niece.
She's going to be our tall blonde blue eyed cousin. My boys will have to be her bodyguards!
Hugs and smoochies from auntie Sarah, uncle Greggy and your cousins.
Looking forward to spending ALL summer with you, and every year afterwards.
She's going to be our tall blonde blue eyed cousin. My boys will have to be her bodyguards!
Hugs and smoochies from auntie Sarah, uncle Greggy and your cousins.
Looking forward to spending ALL summer with you, and every year afterwards.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Hard Wooden Benches
...that would be, pews.
We had the old-school church pews in our church when I was a teenager. We loved them. It ensured that you could snuggle up extra close with all your buddies and secret crushes. There was no one able to kick your back, and you never had to worry about your crack showing. Sure they were hard to sit on, but when you were young, stuff like that never crossed your mind.
Last night we got to do something very "adult" and go to a concert!! Without kids! Yay for us! It was held in the Knox United church in downtown Calgary...

Isn't it beautiful? We came to this same church to see Sarah Harmer in concert, and the sound in there is so amazing. I wish you could see more of the high arched ceiling and the side balconies...but you get the idea. We were seated (in the hard wooden benches) to the left in the upper balcony...third/back row.
We were there to see Shawn Colvin.If you can't think of who she is, most people will know of her song, Sunny Come Home. She's does mostly folk-style music, and it was just her on her guitar last night. It was not an upbeat concert by any means...more relaxing, perfect before-bed music. We were there with Lisa and Andrew.
It was a nice break to not have to put the kids to bed, and they enjoyed their time at Faith's anyway...thanks Faith!!
We had the old-school church pews in our church when I was a teenager. We loved them. It ensured that you could snuggle up extra close with all your buddies and secret crushes. There was no one able to kick your back, and you never had to worry about your crack showing. Sure they were hard to sit on, but when you were young, stuff like that never crossed your mind.
Last night we got to do something very "adult" and go to a concert!! Without kids! Yay for us! It was held in the Knox United church in downtown Calgary...

Isn't it beautiful? We came to this same church to see Sarah Harmer in concert, and the sound in there is so amazing. I wish you could see more of the high arched ceiling and the side balconies...but you get the idea. We were seated (in the hard wooden benches) to the left in the upper balcony...third/back row.
We were there to see Shawn Colvin.If you can't think of who she is, most people will know of her song, Sunny Come Home. She's does mostly folk-style music, and it was just her on her guitar last night. It was not an upbeat concert by any means...more relaxing, perfect before-bed music. We were there with Lisa and Andrew.
It was a nice break to not have to put the kids to bed, and they enjoyed their time at Faith's anyway...thanks Faith!!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Biking, biking. ALL DAY LONG
My boys would LIVE on their wheels if I let them. Liam wasn't much into biking until he caught onto his two wheeler with the training wheels and can now skid and go almost as fast as the big boys.
We got our back lane paved last summer, and we didn't realize how much we'd make use of it. The kids want to go out as soon as they are done breakfast and then before and after school and then after supper yet again. It's quite a juggle as I'm not confident enough to let Liam out there alone, so if I have dinner on the go, I'm in and out the back door to check on him. Usually I set up my lawnchair and watch them go back and forth!! It's amazing how much fun they can have just riding in that stretch of alley. There are neighbor kids out there most days and they all just "hang". Today they asked to bike to a big park a few minutes away. I can't run behind them on their bikes very well, so I made a compromise and drove them to the park with bikes in the back of the van! and then let them bike at the park to their hearts content.

Here's Riley after a big wipe out...with tears and dirt streaming down his face.

Here's Liam on his BIG boy bike in our alley, and you can just barely see my Canada lawn chair there where I sit.
We're all going to miss this alley!! We're going to have to find some new hobbies once we move.
We got our back lane paved last summer, and we didn't realize how much we'd make use of it. The kids want to go out as soon as they are done breakfast and then before and after school and then after supper yet again. It's quite a juggle as I'm not confident enough to let Liam out there alone, so if I have dinner on the go, I'm in and out the back door to check on him. Usually I set up my lawnchair and watch them go back and forth!! It's amazing how much fun they can have just riding in that stretch of alley. There are neighbor kids out there most days and they all just "hang". Today they asked to bike to a big park a few minutes away. I can't run behind them on their bikes very well, so I made a compromise and drove them to the park with bikes in the back of the van! and then let them bike at the park to their hearts content.
Here's Riley after a big wipe out...with tears and dirt streaming down his face.
Here's Liam on his BIG boy bike in our alley, and you can just barely see my Canada lawn chair there where I sit.
We're all going to miss this alley!! We're going to have to find some new hobbies once we move.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Sleepy time
I don't know how I lucked out...but Liam, who totally wasn't into napping for the past good 5 months, is suddenly into them again. I guess he must be growing, or he's getting plenty of fresh air...but whatever it is...
Isn't he so sweet.
Isn't he so sweet.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Friday night
Oh...I really love Friday nights...well, actually right at 6pm my spirit is lifted when "daddy" walks through the door and the weekend has officially begun.
It hasn't been easy to keep up with my two gaffers while being humungo preggo. Being boys, they have a lot of physical energy, and I have been trying to avoid saying every two seconds...GET AWAY from my nasty sore tummy! QUIT jumping on my balance is just not quite perfect these days. NO I CAN'T PICK YOU UP! Instead I'm trying to remind them that the baby is almost ready to come out and THEN I can be back to my ol' self. Focus on the positive, right. It didn't help that it poured like mad this week, so we didn't get to do our usual 2 hour biking/park times after school.
Yes...the basketball belly is still fully intact. I'm ok with him in's the SIZE thing I worry about. That by the day he is putting on a few more ounces...and every day that goes by, he's just getting bigger. Maybe this weekend something will happen as I generally "deliver on weekends" like a good ol' dependable pizza shop.
If I don't get that wish...there are no big plans for the weekend. I should probably do some more packing while I have the time and get shopping for a few essential baby things I've been forgetting about. I haven't been in the baby stage for over 3 years...kinda exciting.
It hasn't been easy to keep up with my two gaffers while being humungo preggo. Being boys, they have a lot of physical energy, and I have been trying to avoid saying every two seconds...GET AWAY from my nasty sore tummy! QUIT jumping on my balance is just not quite perfect these days. NO I CAN'T PICK YOU UP! Instead I'm trying to remind them that the baby is almost ready to come out and THEN I can be back to my ol' self. Focus on the positive, right. It didn't help that it poured like mad this week, so we didn't get to do our usual 2 hour biking/park times after school.
Yes...the basketball belly is still fully intact. I'm ok with him in's the SIZE thing I worry about. That by the day he is putting on a few more ounces...and every day that goes by, he's just getting bigger. Maybe this weekend something will happen as I generally "deliver on weekends" like a good ol' dependable pizza shop.
If I don't get that wish...there are no big plans for the weekend. I should probably do some more packing while I have the time and get shopping for a few essential baby things I've been forgetting about. I haven't been in the baby stage for over 3 years...kinda exciting.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
A pinch and a punch
...first day of the month!!
YAY! It's MAY!
You know what that means! Warmer weather, flowers, gardening, it's that much closer to summer!
Oh ya...and ITS BABY MONTH!
I have a doctor appointment today where I'm hoping she'll inform me that I'm already 3cm dilated and have a bulging bag of waters or something ;)
I'll keep you posted.
So I took Liam with me to the doctor, and he really was such an angel child. Honestly, he sat on the chair the whole time and I was so impressed that I took him to 7-11 afterwards to celebrate.
I had to undergo the whole nice strep B swab test thing, so while she was down there anyway, and I was in one of those nasty gowns, I asked her to check where things were at.
I'm at a whole 1 centimeter dilated!! Whoopee! She also said I'm "soft", so once the head gets lower and applies some pressure, it should be fast. Oh I certainly hope so.
I have big plans to bounce on the yoga ball tonight, so I'll catch you later.
YAY! It's MAY!
You know what that means! Warmer weather, flowers, gardening, it's that much closer to summer!
Oh ya...and ITS BABY MONTH!
I have a doctor appointment today where I'm hoping she'll inform me that I'm already 3cm dilated and have a bulging bag of waters or something ;)
I'll keep you posted.
So I took Liam with me to the doctor, and he really was such an angel child. Honestly, he sat on the chair the whole time and I was so impressed that I took him to 7-11 afterwards to celebrate.
I had to undergo the whole nice strep B swab test thing, so while she was down there anyway, and I was in one of those nasty gowns, I asked her to check where things were at.
I'm at a whole 1 centimeter dilated!! Whoopee! She also said I'm "soft", so once the head gets lower and applies some pressure, it should be fast. Oh I certainly hope so.
I have big plans to bounce on the yoga ball tonight, so I'll catch you later.
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