Feeling chatty I guess...I've been the blog-queen today.
It's been
2 years today, since we moved into our first home! I can't believe it's been that long! But then, this is what the boys looked like at the time....

Ok, and so a few friends have been talking about how they met and married their hubbies…so I thought I’d share my story. It may get rather long…
In the summer before grade 11, my parents made the choice to move our family from small-town-Smithers to the sunny Shuswap in Salmon Arm. I was excited for the change of scenery, but it was a very hard transition. I was just shy of my sweet 16, which was when I could officially start dating. I had many friends in my small Christian school. I was known and had great relationships, so it was hard to leave.
My father was to be the new associate pastor of Greg’s church. His mom introduced us on the very first Sunday. I didn’t see him much that summer as he was working a lot and busy with his friends. That fall we ended up being in the same homeroom at my new highschool. There was only one locker between his and mine as my last name was E and his was D! This was a fate I guess, as other than homeroom, we never shared any classes. We chit chatted our way through most of grade 11, saw eachother at church and in youth group and he was always super friendly. He was so fun, confident and at ease with himself, that I truly admired him. I was quite the opposite, feeling very much loneliness as the new kid, with not much in common with the “city kids”. I watched Greg date a few gals, and started to get a few more friends of my own as the summer was approaching. We flirted like teenagers do, but wouldn’t really admit our feelings. One day when Greg was dating another girl, my brother had the bluntness to pull Greg aside and say…”don’t you get it, you’re wasting your time with ___, even though Sarah likes you!?” (he couldn’t understand why G would waste his time with anyone else I guess!) So Greg ended up breaking off with the other woman (ha ha) and we started to flirt more seriously. We didn’t want to hurt his ex’s feelings, as she was still a friend, so we took it slow. On the May long weekend, when I was 16…Greg drove me home from a youth event and asked me something awkward about whether I wanted to start dating him. I said something lame like “sure” and squeezed his hand and then got out of the car. We were slightly shy still, to say the least. It took us a whole month to get up the nerve to kiss, and we were a happy couple and everyone was happy to see that we had finally got together. So we dated for the next school year and graduated as a couple. The fall after graduation, Greg took off to Briercrest. I waited at home to save up a bit more money before I went to college myself. We still were dating exclusively, as well as we could with the distance between us. In January I was tired of waiting around Salmon Arm, and decided to move up to Smithers again, to work with my friends. The distance was getting a little much, and I knew I wasn’t ready to marry Greg, and was tired of keeping things going while we were in such different directions, so I broke it off with him. It was really hard. There wasn’t a real solid reason why I wanted to break it off, and we still loved eachother. Anyway, fast forward a bit…life went on, I went on to Prairie Bible School with my friends from Smithers, Greg continued on at Briercrest and then worked at the mill in Salmon Arm. We saw eachother on and off during the summers, but things were rather awkward. I graduated from Prairie in 97 and came home for the fall again. Greg was working at home and we started hanging out again. Neither of us had dated anyone in our 2+ years apart. I thought he was different, as I’m sure he thought of me too. We had experienced our own colleges and had many different memories and relationships. But true love prevails, and in the fall of 97 we started dating again. I think he was more worried than I, that things wouldn’t work out. Somehow I knew that one day we would end up married. I never had met anyone I had loved more than him. If you know him, you’ll know why.
I had already made the decision to spend 6 months in Mexico on a missions trip from that following Jan to July. It was a hard goodbye, as we parted again for what we hoped would be the final time. I had a great time in Mexico, keeping up consistently with Greg via email and phone. During that time, Greg moved to Calgary to start up his schooling at DeVry. He came to the Vancouver airport with my parents when I flew back home in July. It was a happy reunion. We started talking about us and our future together right away. He had to return to school while I was in Salmon Arm, and the phone calls/emails carried on. In September of 98, he drove home from Calgary with a ring in his pocket and asked me to marry him. We were so happy. The months flew by, and on June 26, 1999…we said our vows in Salmon Arm. We immediately moved to Calgary so he could finish up his schooling, and we’ve been here ever since.
And…though we don’t get much time alone anymore!!…he’s still my Greggy…how do I put it. I still get that butterfly feeling when I realize that he’s mine and I get to be his wife. I am sooo happy with him.
I thought of putting a serious wedding photo in here, but this is more what you would see if you saw us...