Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Turns out that Riley has the same brain as his daddy. That's a good thing, especially when it comes to memorizing things. I just got Riley into a church Awana club every Wednesday evening. It's something I grew up with, and am happy to get him involved in now too. The main focus of the club is for children to hide God's word in their heart. He learned John 3:16 this week, as well as the Awana pledge. We're currently working on the Oh Canada song, and the Sparks song, and then he'll earn his vest which he can't wait for!! Check him out on dropshots (My videos).
I've been doing the same trick I used to do for myself when I was trying to study for school exams...I got out a blank tape and have been saying the verses over and over, and/or singing the songs for him to listen to before bed. They've also started memorizing scripture in Sunday school, so Riley has been quoting verses left and right. It's been nice to hear his little 4yr old voice around the house saying things other than "I WANT A SNACK".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your heart must sing to hear what he's saying from his heart!!

I love it when Graham folds his hands together to pray, then shouts AMEN! :)