Thursday, September 07, 2006


I knew that life would change quickly once Riley started school. It is kind of weird that every day after lunch I will be doing drop off and every day at 3:30 will be pickup time....and the drop off/pick up will continue for many years to come. Definitely a new stage. Still a little weird to not walk him into his classroom and just to have him wave goodbye and follow his teacher to his room. And of course, his teacher knows "everything". Today he was quite psyched to tell me all about the fire drill they had. Funny to hear him quote books I have never read, or sing songs I have never taught him. I am beyond thrilled to share this responsibility with another trained adult!! Oh, to be completely responsible to mold his little brain would kill me. I don't know how those homeschooling moms can do it and still manage to sleep!

I also knew life had changed as I opened his backpac to find our first ever fundraising package....I haven't even opened it yet to find out what kind of coupons they are for. Too bad they aren't chocolates. Mmmm.
And I have TIME! to sit and think for awhile, or clean my ghastly disorganized house without any interuption. (Liam has been sleeping the entire time that Riley is gone.) I even started two new books...Tara Road, by Maeve Binchy, and another one of Raising Happy Kids. I'll give you a report on those later.
I also took down the crib today. Both my boys loved their cribs and would remain in their crib til their little toes were hanging out the end if I would let them. But I knew he could handle it, so down went the crib to our basement collection of baby things. We've had a crib set up for almost 5 years straight, so it's kinda weird.
September is so full of new stuff. A little overwhelming, but exciting none the less. I signed myself up last night for a huge role in Childrens ministry, of teaching the half hour lesson every other Sunday to the large group. I did not sleep well and did not have any peace about it all day today. I finally got a hold of the leader tonight and managed to back out of it so I could use my gifts in a much different area...more behind the scenes. I feel much more at peace. I also need to get a little more on top of my own spiritual needs before I try to make such a bold move in leadership.

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