Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Haven't progressed very far with the room. I have poured hours and hours of time however, looking through web images at all the different shades of teal and options for my walls. I'm caught between wanting pale and wanting something more bold and vibrant. I am stuck! And it's not like I can go browse through Home Sense or Urban Barn and pick out some artwork or something for inspiration in this tiny town we live in!! I should probably hit the fabric store, because I have wasted enough time with this online research.
Sometimes too many options can be a royal waste of time!
I have a history of making rushed paint choices, and really want to be happy with what I pick! So on the search continues...


Unknown said...

I hear ya! !
I like your idea of a basic backdrop that you can spice up with a variety of accessories in different colours to change it up every once in a while. Tani does that really well, it's fun to gather the extras bit by bit, and then you can bring back a previous scene when you feel like it. . . beach, cottage, French, current. . . have fun.

miss.complicated said...

I think choosing a fabric and pulling a color from that to use on your walls is a great way to decorate... It's easy to get passionate about a fabulous fabric!