Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You smell like beef and cheese!

One of our favorite parts of the Elf movie, is where Elf says to the impostor Santa..."You don't even smell like Santa, you smell like beef and cheese!"
Lately Liam and Riley have been quite particular about their smell.
ie. Liam says, I don't want to sleep in Riley's bed...it has his smell in it. Or Riley was quite concerned that he didn't have his blanket when we went to my aunts house, because it wasn't just any blanket...it had his smell on it.
So today I asked Liam what Riley smells like. He says, "Riley smells like hot chocolate, and he (Liam) smells like macaroni. Shea smells like pancakes."
Mmmm. I guess it could be worse. Like dirty socks or something.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Thanks for not asking Liam what I smell like.

Bloggy Mama said...

That IS awesome. Elf. I laughed so hard during that movie. I'm going to have to go get it to watch it, again.

Anonymous said...

Oh my - that is so funny! Jaxson and Eli also have quite sensitive snouts! It definitely could be worse - at least we haven't hit that smelly teenage boy stage yet!

Heather said...

That is hilarious! I like that Shea smells like pancakes :)