Saturday, January 26, 2008

Oh, the family photo

I had wanted to take a family photo at Christmas.
Well it's a month later, so I thought I'd make the attempt today.
It didn't go so hot. Liam was being impossible, Shea was ready for his nap.

This is all we got.

We are going to try again later.


Kristin said...

You are brave to attempt a photo shoot with 3 young boys!

Hope you have better luck on your next try. :)

Angella said...

Oh, man. Do I HEAR YOU on the family shoots!

I think you did very well :)

karen said...

The thing I love about those shots (and they're great) is that they probably pretty accurately reflect what was going on at the time.

We have no good family pictures, but lots of goofy ones, or of me trying to get a kid to smile, or look straight ahead, or say cheese without making a funny face....

ec said...

sarah...thanks so much for your comment. it's so nice to know who's reading, isn't it??

your boys are darling. seriously. your little shea may be responsible for #3 making it's appearance in the near future;)

and i love your pictures.
