So I made it to the dentist today with the three boys. I brought my mom for backup as I knew it could get ugly, you just never know. I hadn't done this yet as we seriously had a cough or flu from October to December, so it was nice to finally all be healthy and get to the dentist. At Riley's cleaning appointment on Friday they found some cavities, so we got those filled today and it is all over with!! Hooray! He was very brave. Now he just needs to get impressions done for his spacer they will put in. They will also put in fissure sealants on his molars which have huge grooves, to hopefully prevent further cavities. Oh, I so wish I had those when I was a kid. Liam got to have his very first "happy visit", and he was quite enthusiastic (as usual) about the chair going up and down, and the "Mr. Thirsty" etc. The dentist saw his teeth and said they were so white and beautiful and that mom was doing a good job brushing them (yay me). So now I just need to get to the chiropractor and optometrist so I can scratch a few more things off my ever daunting list of things to do (other than keeping the kids alive!!) ha ha
Today was also a big day for Riley as he started piano lessons. For those who don't know, my mom is a piano teacher. I asked her if she wouldn't mind taking on Riley. She currently doesn't have other piano students as she's working a different job for a change, so he is her sole subject at the moment. I think he enjoyed it and will do well at it. I'm quite sure he has his daddy's natural talent for music, so will catch on quickly. He's also learning to skate and had his first downhill ski after Christmas, so he is experiencing many firsts lately. His reading is getting so good as well!
Anyway...supper time. I'm exhausted and apologize for lack of an interesting read lately, but all its been these days is boys boys boys.
Coming up soon though (I hope) renovations!!!
sarah...thanks for stopping by and leaving a note.
look at your pictures! amazing.
and your boys? so cute. i want one...
Awesome... glad to hear it went so well at the dentist!
You're so brave taking all 3 boys to the dentist Sarah! I would have babysat but I guess now it's all over and done with and mom DID mention that you ended up having to feed Shea right in the middle of it all so I wouldn't have been much help there. Anyway, glad it's over and that it went okay.
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