Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blog memory

Sometimes it's handy to have kept a blog, as it can remind of when things happened and a few of the details that I have forgotten...
This one in particular is relevant to today, oddly titled Fester. If you don't want to read it, it basically tells about how I stepped on a piece of glass almost 3 years ago and the doctor came to the conclusion that I would have to let it fester out.
Well, it is STILL there. It comes close to the surface at times, like now, and gives me a sharp pain when I step on just the right part of my foot. How stupid. Do you think the doctor was wrong that it would just fester itself out?! It's been 3 years for crying out loud. Now what...do I have to go get it surgically removed??


Bloggy Mama said...

Interesting. And gross. I hope it works its way out. Ouch.

le0pard13 said...

I'm sure you've seen instructions like these. But, more info can be found in this article, including other techniques for removal. The key item being, "Glass is inert and can be left in place if it is difficult to locate or remove." I don't know if this will help you now, but being the mother of 3 boys, it may come in handy down the line. HTH

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness - that thing is still in there??!! Ow! Jaxson still talks about "member when Sarah got that glass in her foot?" - he usually says this after I'm yelling at the boys to put their shoes back on! Maybe your new doctor could make a small incision and get it out that way? Good luck.