Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sleeping beauty

Check out my little buddy sleeping next to me here on the couch...

Aww...what a little hunny.

We had a wonderful weekend in the sun, and I don't know if it was the sun or the water or just some weird germ he caught, but he has been struggling with a fever for the past two days. He fell asleep while we were reading stories last night (never has ever happened) and then in the buggy on the way to school today (again, never!).
He let me snuggle with him for an hour after he woke up in the buggy, and that was nice. The only thing I really appreciate about my kids being sick...they are so calm and snuggly!
I let him have his two hour nap this afternoon, and he woke up feeling quite a bit better. His fever seems to be gone. I wondered if that two hour nap might keep him up tonight, and it did. He joined me on the couch and watched me surf the net before he slumped over and fell asleep so cute like that.
Thankfully I'm strong enough to still carry this one to his bed. The other two ...not so much!

1 comment:

Bloggy Mama said...

What a little peanut. Love you, Shea. I hope that you are all better, soon!