Ok, so the story is that we ditched the kids with my mom and ran off for three nights of peace. The prep work to go away and still ensure that the kids got off to school with the right library books, cookies and valentines, lunches, to swimming lessons (twice) etc. involved a practical novel for my mom to go through! I tried to have the house mostly clean and laundry done and the bed ready for my mom. So the week before, in combination with the fact that Greg was away, was very busy. It made the trip of peace and quiet even more BEAUTIFUL!
We left on Monday afternoon and drove straight out to the resort. Thankfully it wasn't a very long trip, so we were there by 3pm. I won't bore you with all the details, but we read, swam, slept, ate like kings, watched videos, skied one day, drove to Nakusp to check it out, and enjoyed the silence together. No phone. No computers.
It wasn't so restful for my mom, so I'm sure she was relieved to see us!
We were glad we took the time to get away and have a chance to spend some time together while not playing referee at the same time. Our life at home is quite exhausting. But we got a little break and hope it will keep us trucking! Thanks mom (and to my in-law's who covered on the two evenings my mom worked).
So awesome!!
I'm very glad I could do that for you! and yes, I'd do it again! You've got lovely romantic photos to look back on to boot!
It's always worth the extra organizing to get away. It's amazing how long it rejuvinates you for afterwords.
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