I really like Thursday evenings. So does Shea. We eat our dinner early in a mad flurry, and then the 3 big boys rush out the door to Awana around 5:40pm. I am left with a dinner mess, but it's quiet with just Shea and I. I pop in his favorite video and quickly get the kitchen in order. Then it is bathtime. He plays til the water is cold and then it's time for stories and bed.

He seems to have as much expression as Liam!!
so cute! What a poser! ! The top one looks so innocent. It's nice to make the most of that time together alone.
He's just so sweet. That alone/together-time is so sweet, isn't it.
Oh my gosh! Those are the best pictures ever! I want to get some of those developed! What a little ham. He's SO cute!!!
Okay, the toothbrush one might be my fave but the last one and the first one are awesome too. Just thought I'd add that. Love you!
Man they grow up fast! Shea seems so be leaving the baby stage and morphing into the little boy stage. Very cute!
(Sawyer calls him "Say"!)
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