Friday, July 11, 2008

Avalanche Ranch

As I mentioned before, I was spending this last week at our church daycamp as a Kindergarden small group leader. I didn't have to prepare much, just had to come to accompany 13 or so little 4/5 year olds to their activities (crafts, games and story time). It was almost like going to work as I had to have my kids ready and out the door with their lunches by 8:30am, drop them into childcare (downstairs in the church) and rush off to my morning meetings. I must say that I enjoyed getting out of the house all week. But I AM TIRED! I guess I was trying to maintain optimum enthusiasm the entire morning, while trying to be in control of all these little ones who like to wander off, while trying to ignore the fact that I had just left Shea screaming with a teenager. Then we would come home at 1:30pm exhausted, and cranky, and later I would go to sleep thinking about all these little kids and wake up the next day to do it all over. But it really was great. I think we had 225 registered kids. It was huge and loud, with lots of yahoo's and line dancing. Any kid would be crazy not to enjoy themselves, and my two boys could be found singing the songs throughout the evening and reciting the simple truths they learned this week that God is Real, God is with us, God is Strong, God is awesome and God is in Charge. If you ever get to have a summer vacation in Salmon Arm, do it on the 2nd week of July so you can send your kids to the daycamp. I'm sure we'll all be there next year.
One of the big positives of having a huge church are these great opportunities for my kids to take part in BIG things. I tried to encourage them that this week was special as many kids would be there who didn't know anything about God. It wasn't just about having fun, it was about learning. One of the negatives of having a big church and all the huge functions, is the pressure to be involved in everything. It takes some time to know where you fit and when to say yes/no. We also have a huge club which runs through the school year called Awana that requires many leaders and helpers. Greg and I could quite easily be put in a position there, as Greg was all year, but it is a huge commitment at this time of our lives when we have 3 kids ages 6 and under. I think we are going to have just one of us be involved (like we did last year) so that one of us can hold up the fort. Greg has been helping out in the worship team on occasion, so we both have our spots. It is good to be involved and get to know people as we serve.
I'd love to hear what you're involved in (if not in church, in your community) and how you make it work for your family.


Melissa said...

Hi Sarah -

We did Avalance Ranch at our church last summer, and it was an absolute hit with the kids!! But yes, it was exhausting. :)

We're part of a medium-sized church (huge compared to our last church, though) - approximately 450-500 attend on a weekly basis. Involvement? Well, I'm involved in worship about 60% of the Sundays, which leaves Graeme to hold down the fort both on Sundays and on Thursdays (rehearsal night). I'm involved also in a moms/kids ministry, but it's during the day and the kids are involved, so it's OK that way. Graeme has recently gotten involved in men's ministry at church - a big step for him. :) But to do anything together won't work for a while, for sure...

Anonymous said...

Wow!! This day camp sounds amazing, something our kids would just gobble up. Another local church puts on a soccer VBS and the boys love this.

We have a medium sized church about 400-450 every week and we are both involved 99.9% with worship and associate pastoring being the main focus and Daryl's roles here at the Church.
Our children have gotten used to meeting new people as the front door is constantly revolving and Daryl has kept practice to Sunday mornings so that he can start early and fit as much into the day, so we can relax in the afternoon with our family. usually with company.
We are counselling individuals and couples and involved in many little encounters and ministries during the week.
It can be tiring at times but our 4 children will grow up to be comfortable asking the hard questions and meeting new people and friends will also be a comfortable transition. The only thing we do together is love on our family first and then guests who are more than welcome in our home. We also bring meals to families in need and pray, with eachother and others. But there are a ton of additional varying activities that cover a week....