Thursday, September 20, 2007

Playgroup for mommies

Yes, for mommies. We all know that playgroups are mainly for the moms. Sure, there are toys there, and snacks and nursery rhymes, but really it's just to keep the kids entertained so the mommies can "chat" it up. Adult conversation. You don't realize how much you miss that until you finally meet up with someone older than 3 and talk about things other than superheroes and such.
I went for the second time to a playgroup that meets downtown in an old school. It is almost clausterphobic with 20 moms and 20 or more kids in a tiny little room. But it is set up like a preschool, with centers, story/rhyme time/snack and gym time, so we move around and enjoy the structure. I wish I had gone during the summer, but watching 3 kids at once was a little daunting to me. Two is enough, and Liam and I will try to go at least once a week to get ourselves out of the house and socializing more. I met up with an old highschool friend for lunch afterwards, which was cool. Now the boys are all at Awana, and Shea and I are headed out to "Meet the teacher night" at Rileys school. Busy times. I can't imagine when all 3 of them are in school and I'm trying to keep up with their sports, homework, and clubs. The paperwork that comes home from school with Riley, and from Awana....AAKK! I need a personal secretary. I already missed library day this week. Oopps.


Anonymous said...

My sister in law has the biggest calendar on her wall and writes all appts in pencil so changes can easily be made. They have 5 kids almost all in their teens so busy busy.

Monica said...

I hear you on the paperwork! I always have a huge stack of it from school to go through on the weekend. I thought it was just Meg with all the work!
