Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Crossroads and decisions

I've been enjoying my part time casual position at the hospital this fall. Our hospital and neighboring old folks home is in the midst of transition, taking on a new rehab program this year. It means many changes for the employees, and many new job openings. As we're in the midst of this change, I've been able to cover on a casual basis. I've been able to work at the job I had full time previously (from Jan. to July) and I love it. I know the physio/occupational team, and the longer I'm there, the more useful I am to them. So it has been a win/win scenario. Sadly, because it's all union, one can not keep a permanent casual position...I guess they prefer that you own a position. My job will be posted as what it should be, a full time spot. I am not wanting to apply for it, as I really am reluctant to send the kids to daycare and pull them out of all after school events. I also don't want to be working every school holiday, and especially the summer. Not now. Not while they are still young and still think I'm fun to hang out with! There is a possibility of a job share, but again, hours will be set and it won't be so flexible as it is now. I am worried that if I don't take a position, that nothing will be left for me to cover, other than to work while the people in positions take their vacations! I guess best case scenario would be that no one wants my job, so they would just take me for the hours I'm willing to give. (A girl can dream!) So it is a stressful waiting game now. I am just trying to focus on how blessed I've been so far, and how happy I am to be working and to have earned some money and valuable work experience and references to go with. And God knows, right? He's worked everything out so far!

Sunday, November 03, 2013


Once the yardwork is over, my cravings to get crafty start growing. I love to bring out the knitting and the sewing and try projects that I've thought about but didn't have time to do in the summer! I started my first knit sweater this fall and just finished this weekend. It is huge, and the body of it actually fits me just perfectly. It should last Shea forever! I'll just keep adding to the bottom and the sleeves!! :) It was a bit frustrating at the start and then got boring near the end, but overall, it was fun to do and I think I might just try one for myself next. Then last night I tried a pinterest bootie pattern, you know since I have babies and all. (NOT). I just figured it would be fun to try with my spare felt and other fabric and would also make a good/fast baby gift.
I'm not super impressed with the pattern, but once I perfect it, I'll try making some for me and the boys! A lot less work than knitting a pair! and you could even use a recycled sweater! Liam has been gone for the past few days, so it has been quiet around here! Hence the ability to craft! I have a lot more things to make....