Thursday, June 29, 2006

Graduation day!

So my son graduated from preschool today. They performed two cute little songs and then came in one by one to recieve their certificate. How cute can it get. I am going to miss preschool!! I really enjoyed the way it broke up the week and forced me to get outside by 9am. I often went to the open gym or the library with Liam...or shopping, or visited with the other moms. I'm going to miss the ladies I saw there weekly, and hope to keep up with them though I know it'll be hard. Riley enjoyed his mornings there too and got to do so many more crafts than he can at home. He didn't seem to mind that preschool is over as he knows that next it'll be kindergarden, daily. :)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More flowers

Today is hot like the farm. It's time to head off to Riley park again.
Here's some more flowers. I'm trying to make the most of the bouquet Greg bought I'm doing flower pictures galore.

Monday, June 26, 2006

7 years later

Seven years ago today we celebrated our wedding. It feels like we've been together longer than that as we met at 15. I need to scan in an old picture of us at that age. We probably look better now!! I love life with Greg...he's the best friend you could have.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

My plants make me happy

What can I say, they do!! I only have about 7 indoor plants, most of them violets. I LOVE my violets. We aquired them when we moved into our duplex...they had frozen and were left there to die I guess. But somehow they revived and I have split them into 6 different pots now. They always have flowers and are very forgiving. I just recently added to my collection of violets and went for a pink one as all I had before was purple. I keep them all on my kitchen window sill which is getting rather crowded, but they love it there.
I have taken the next step in gaining a green thumb and last summer I laid some sod in the back, and left a spot to make a tiny 10ft x 3ft garden spot. I have peas, carrots, spinach, raspberries, strawberries and sweet peas in there. Under the kitchen window I'm growing sunflowers again, and have some large tiger lilies. The weather has been perfect for them and all is going well.
There is this bunny who sits there by the fence. I swear he is waiting for the peas to grow. I caught him with my camera.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Fun in the Sun

Today was a great day. It was sunny for once and we had to head out to the soccer wind-up party. We had the perfect timing and got there for a short line up for food (which is a big deal as the line ended up getting crazy long!) Riley got his very first medal ever, and was very proud. Then after Liam had his nap, we headed out to Peter's Drive In for shakes and burgers, then Riley park which has this great wading pool and the boys loved it and were up to their necks in the water. We are a little burnt but the boys were so happy all day and we enjoyed being outside.
Then we got home at 8pm, and I caught Liam as he was looking like he was going to poop and stuck him on the potty and he WENT! Yeah! His very first poop on the potty! We were all hooting it up. He got a big treat. Now they are in bed and Riley said he was still going to wear the medal around his neck!
Please send out a prayer as tommorrow Greg and I are going to be up front helping lead worship and I'll be doing all the big action songs! It's Children Ministry all the music will be the songs we've done for the kids in church. was a great day and the weekend is not over yet. Hope you're having fun too.

Friday, June 23, 2006

My poetry

Click on it to enlarge it if you're squinting!!
Cheers to old days and old friends.
My dear friend Michelle sent me this poem I had written her back during Bible School....almost 10 years ago now. We both had a good laugh over it. We constantly had our inside jokes and were writing back and forth during boring classes. Time has done its toll on our relationship, but the memories are huge. So thanks Michelle for reminding me of the "good ol days".

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Time for some funnies

Sometimes life is just too serious and depressing. Thank goodness we have the promises of heaven and life with Jesus after this life is over.
And...just to help those of you who aren't having the best time...I have some funnies for you...

(from my chiro newsletter)...

Actual announcements seen in church newsletters:

Weight Watchers will meet at 7pm at the St. Martin's Church. Please use the large double door at the side entrance.

The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled due to a conflict.

For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downtairs.

Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Father Jack's sermons.

The pastor will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing "Break Forth Into Joy."

A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.

At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practice.

Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.

Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.

The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.

This evening at 7pm there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.

The priest unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday: "I upped my pledge - Up yours"

and lastly....

Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7pm. Please use the back door.

Hope I got some giggles out.
Have a fun day.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Happy First day of Summer!

I woke up from a deep sleep at 2:30am to the largest clap of thunder I have ever heard. I sat upright and was totally shaking. Greg was already in bed with Riley at that point cuz of the storm, so there was no one to squeeze! it decided to take a break from the rain and actually be Sunny!!! Yeah! I had to lay right in the flower beds and take some pictures of the blue sky between the flowers!
Hugs and happy first day of summer to all.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Mrs. Bob

Ya, always hoping and wishing that one day my hair would look good long...but sadly it never does. The only thing nice about it being a little longer is that you can put it up in a pony tail. So I did the usual summer bob thing again. Here I am this morning with my Nikon baby.

Monday, June 19, 2006

The days are long, the years are fast.

Got the official papers today that confirmed Riley's placement in the afternoon kindergarden class. Riley had spent the whole afternoon today at his best friends house...and I was thinking to myself...this is how quiet it's going to be every afternoon next year! It was almost freakingly quiet (as Liam was sleeping for 3 hours!). But also very nice. I have loud children. I will appreciate the quiet. And yet...I can't believe this whole school phase is starting! You moms with goes FAST! I've been feeling so guilty lately (which is a normal mom thing)....that I'm not enjoying this time more. I am so blessed that I can stay home with my boys. I love having boys!! I hope my desire to have a girl doesn't hide the truth from others that I always wanted boys and love all the parts about being a mom of boys. I can't always relate, and find them super challenging! but I love having them. They are going to be great little men. Just praying that I make the most of every opportunity and I thank all my friends and family who encourage us. Our friends who live down the back alley have really been like family for us here and I really appreciate them.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


We decided it was time to get "country" and go
to a farm. Our boys are such city kids. There is this little acreage which is not too far away which is actually getting surrounded by houses as our city is expanding. It's called Butterfeild's super cute...lots of little red barns, lots of trees and of course a good selection of young animals. The first pen we walked right into had baby goats in it. Short little cute baby goats. Both boys broke out into tears and climbed up our legs!! Baby goats!! I know. We need to get a hamster or something. They are even scared of cats. Anyway...we still attempted to get them to pet things, and they warmed up to it a bit. Their favorite part was just being outside in this mother-huge sandbox and on these great John Deere trikes. I had a great time taking pictures...check for more on my link down left. We had a picnic lunch in the back of the van with the trunk up, hanging our legs out. My mom has this picture of us as kids eating out of the back of our VW van like that...big bucket of KFC...brought back memories! Anyway... it was a fun day, only rained a little on us.
Oh ya, and an update. I bought a new bathing suit! no more butt crack.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Common decency

Come on! Don't people do stupid things?
Let me share...
Today I was in a mad rush to Superstore to grab some much needed diapers (down-to-the-diaper- bag kind of serious). I was supposed to meet a friend (for the puddle jumping) immediately following, so I was rushing the boys as usual. I really hate the carts at Superstore cuz you need your loonie and have to put it in the little thing and grab your cart which weighs about 60pds without the kids in save some time, I saw this lady just putting her cart away, so I, have my loonie and I'll take your cart. She was like Sure! (a cute 60yr. old grandma-type). She stayed to watch and grin as I hauled the two boys up and into the front seat (quite a feat with a four year old in rubber boots). Anyway...remember, I'm in a rush here. I have a friend to meet! So the lady stands there grinning. I get them all hooked in, ready to run. And as I pull the cart back I realize that the stupid wheels of the cart are both broken!! Both twisted so far in I could hardly push!! I gave it my all and was like ...I can do this....I just need diapers. But I could barely push them through the automatic door! I almost screamed. Why didn't this granny have the decency to tell me that the cart she just "sold" me had broken wheels!!! Why did she sit there and watch me take 5 minutes trying to stuff them in the seat and then I had to turn around and do it all over again!!!!! ARGH. Am I over-reacting here!!!? She was still standing there grinning and I was so dumb-founded at how clueless she was that I just stormed past her and made a big huff as I did the whole routine over again.
I mean really!!

Puddle jumping

We woke up today for what was "forcasted" to be a sunny 23 degrees, and it was raining yet again. I think it's been 3 weeks now. My friend who is also a mom of two young boys, called me up out of desperation to see if we could hang out and keep eachother sane. So I packed up their bikes and put them in their boots and off we headed to her place. We had decided to head out in the rain anyway, cuz ENOUGH of being in the house. Well I arrived to her door and her little 2yr. old was outfitted in this head-to-toe wet suit that you would expect a fisherman to have, only much more stylin. The big brother was in full on rain pants and coat as well. I was so not prepared. The mom came out in these cute flower gumboots. I had on my runners. So we set out...and the puddles!! oh my goodness. There was this one puddle on the side of the paved road that was up to Rileys knees! We went to this feild and it was one huge soggy wet patch. The boys had a blast. They were running through and kicking and sometimes falling. We spent a long while out there and then on our way back to her house, Riley had to stop to drain out his boots.....he held the boot upside-down and it was pouring out for ages that he and the rest of us just stood there laughing! We ended the visit in their backyard where there was a convenient mud pit and a kiddie pool. Liam kept wiping his snot with his muddy hands and his face was absolutely friend took a picture which I will definitely post later.
Anyway...I didn't expect my friend to be so carefree about all the mess. She had told me she had recently read this article somewhere about this young mom who had cancer and was taking advantage of all the small things (like playing in the rain)....and she was like....what the hey...a little extra laundry never hurt anyone!! And its so's in those simple things, like puddles and mud where you can truly have FUN!
So I had to strip the boys down to their undies and stick their clothes in a bag before I could strap them back in their carseats.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


I just had to post this picture...I have been busy sorting through my photos and couldn't pass this one up.
Here's all the Engel cousins....we are up to 7!
In order from left to right.....
Levi Claire Riley Evan Amy Callie Liam
I took this in May...the last time we were all together.
Everybody say Awwww!!

...and its still raining....

And we're really bored. The camera has come out alot today! There was a lot of jumping.

Still raining....

I swear...the thunder storm last night was scaring me. Nevermind the kids. It sounded like it was directly on top of the house. We are getting record rain I guess soccer is going to be cancelled again. We are really getting tired of the rain was ok for the first week! I don't know if I could live at the coast!! I think we'll have to hit the mall tonight.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The comfortable life

This post is dedicated to my parents who have chosen family over comfort. They live in a large newer house in Vanderhoof. My mom teaches many piano students in her home, and my dad has a comfy income at the church there. But....that will all change in less than 2 weeks. They are packing up and leaving the "Hoof" for Salmon Arm again where my brother and sister are. They will be living (ironically) in their old house (which they had sold to my aunt)...but in the basement suite. They have bought some property, but do not have work lined up yet so they don't know when they will be able to afford a house again. Good for them though. They have spent their lives wrapped up entirely in their work and the church, and I'm hoping this makes them a little more into the whole grandparenting or even parenting thing. I appreciate the fact that they are making the move and so we don't have to travel way up north anymore.
As for us?? Here we are, almost 7 years since we got married, and we're still in Calgary. We never intended to reside here, but we got stuck. We do love being in a city and we have it pretty good with our cute little house, new community with all it has to offer (the pool etc.), good paying job, etc.
it's not enough. We miss the family. We feel more and more like our kids are missing out on the cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. My parents didn't mind so much when I was little as we always lived ages away from any relatives...but they were so busy with church stuff that it kept them busy. We're not so much into our work. Anyway...decisions. I wonder how different I would be if I had grown up around my family, or I wonder how different my kids would be if they were living around their cousins etc. Personally I thinks it gives kids a good support base...a team of people that helps to boost their confidence. I guess its a choice you have to make for your own family. So pray for us that God will just provide a job close to home if that's where he wants us. Greg has been working on his resume. ......waiting on God.

and waiting....

and waiting....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My butt crack is showing

Yes, it's true. My good ol bathing suit has kicked the bucket. It is disintegrating right before me. I definitely need a new one before I hit the pool again on Saturday. I've been doing aqua fit (deep and shallow) 2x a week since about October. It has been great! I love it. I also have made friends through it and have saved my sanity. Oh, and of course, I've managed to get more toned (which helps my lame ol back) and reach my newest low weight since I had Liam. Yipee for me. We have this new teacher who is exactly like Cameron Diaz, only about 50 years old. She smiles with her whole face and is completely contagious with that grin. I think if Anna or Mich was in class with me...we'd be dying laughing cuz its almost insanely cheesy even though its truly genuine!! And you know...I think in my previous life, I was a syncronized swimmer...cuz I've always felt truly at home in the water.
My cold is almost completely gone but Liams has just begun and he is such a CRANK! along with the molars too. It is getting so old. I feel bad for him usually, but by supper time when he's climbing up my leg while I'm trying to make dinner...I'm ready to just lock him in his room or stick in earplugs. Hummmmm...time for some yoga.....a little de-stress. Hence the need for me to run off to the pool tonight. Maybe I should try yoga for real too.

My other hobby

Yes, it's true...I do have other hobbies other than happens to be making cards. It's not so much the making as the assembling them that I finding paper...putting it all together...making the wire word for it. I'm not so much into the glueing...but it's nice to see a quickly finished product...I don't know if I would ever have the patience to do a whole scrapbook. I haven't gotten into stamping so much...usually cuz it takes many stamps to keep it interesting for me, and they aren't cheap. It is fun if you can get together and borrow someone elses. It's easier to have a large selection of paper which keeps me from getting bored. I haven't been making too many cards lately. I try to make personalized ones (like the picture) for new babies that have arrived. There have been many babies in our church and in our I guess I average about 2 cards a month...give or take a few.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Our little clown

I don't want to smile for the camera mommy!
But you look so cute! It's Sunday! You're all dressed up!
No mommy, me get down from here.

This guy is priceless. He has the best expressions and the funniest sayings. Lately he's been teething and with every tooth he gets really sick. So as the 8hrs was up, and the Motrin was losing its effect...he woke up feverish. Yet...just like every night if he happens to wake in the middle of it, and everything is dark and I'm stumbling around refilling his water or getting his medicine....he grabs my face and turns it towards him and in his most serious tone he says. "I come downstairs with you mommy." Last night I was like, no! mommy is trying to sleep! Oh.

He's quite the little ham. He'll keep us laughing all our days.

Friday, June 09, 2006


The boys are playing...TOGETHER!...NICELY! I was hoping this day would come. It's almost been an hour and they've been either in Rileys closet playing bus...or down in the basement playing cars on their road carpet. No fighting!! I need to tape their cute little voices....
"Look at my big race car, Liam!"
"WHoa, Ri-lo...nice"
"You wanna race with me?"
"Ok I come!"
So cute. I love listening to their happy voices. Good timing, as I feel crappy. I got a nasty summer cold (I usually only get 2 or less colds a year and they are always really big ones.) So I feel clouded and like snot. Greg was sweet and fed them supper last night while I slept and got groceries after he went to his worship I have nothing I need to do today but rest up. We had such a great week! Zoo, School, Soccer, Swimming, Date night, Gym, Library, today we're doing nothing and I don't actually feel too guilty about it. I haven't told my friends about this blog yet...just you I need to make up a big email and invite everyone over. I'd love it if all my out-of-town friends could all start blogging and write comments like your Summerland pals do. Ciao

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Night off

Today is my friends birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA! She asked us all to join her at the theatre to see the Break Up. It was pretty good. I got a sitter to come watch the boys for 9pm, and so G joined us after the movie and we all went out for cake. It was nice to get out. I just had to tell you cuz we haven't had a night out in Calgary in a long time. We gotta get our act together.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Zoo day

Ya, I was going nutso with the boys by 8am, so we packed off and headed for the zoo. It is a great place for walking, especially if you head to the dinosaur park or the Canada section. (We did both!) We were there for a good 3.5hrs and I demanded we ALL nap when we got home. So the day went quick and it was lovely out.
I have a pretty usual week ahead...with exception of a birthday party for my friend on Wednesday where I'm going to go out for a movie and possibly cheesecake!! Yeehaw.
Enjoy the week y'all.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Nice day for a wedding

This photo expresses what kind of day these boys had. Mommy and daddy (us), had a rare four hours away from the boys as we attended a wedding. The boys went to stay with our good friends (who also have 2 boys) for the afternoon. They had non-stop fun, and mom and dad had a nice break too. Then they came home for lime popsicles and we rented Madagascar. I hadn't seen it yet. was a nice day for a wedding...warm with a breeze. The wedding was at 11am and the reception was a luncheon and started immediately afterwards. Smart...except for the fact that they still had to follow with pictures. Poor guys. I loved getting the official send-off and running out the doors of the church for our honeymoon. Funny all the things I would change now though, if I were to get married today. Most people are going for the simple...forget the silly cake, candlelighting, bouquet toss, garder thingy etc. etc. I think photo styles are changing too... a little more candid...less line up the groomsmen type thing.
We sat at a table full of young couples...all in their early 20's, without kids. Planning their evening ahead. I couldn't relate. They are young and busy and so full of energy...ya, I'm young and busy and full of energy...but its all poured into the kids! They have no idea how much it'll take out of them when they decide to "settle down". It is so not settling!! It's more like...lets add craziness to this equation. That's why I started early. And not too early...I think it was just right.
Well the boys have zonked out within 2 minutes of their little heads hitting the pillows. I had to bath them after supper cuz they were covered in sand, sweat and popsicles. I hate having sand in my bed. So they are getting lots of baths on these sunny days.
Enjoying the sun and signing off.....

Friday, June 02, 2006

"The sun is in my eyes, mommy!!" The boys stripped down to nothing this morning as it was already hot out by 10am and they were ready for the backyard pool.'s me. When you're the one behind the camera, there doesn't tend to be many pics of oneself. But here I am. I set up the tripod for Riley and he had his turn being the noted fashion photographer like Nigel Barker...and I'm Canada's Next Top Yummy Mommy. Oh yeah.
I wish I had more people to practise taking pictures of, as my kids are not so into the camera!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

When bad things happen to good people.

That's a hard one, isn't it. I have talked to two people this week whose worlds have totally changed for the friend found out her hubby is having an affair, and my sis n' law has found out her dear dad has cancer. There is nothing really to say! How can you help them feel better when there is nothing positive about either situation? It's useless to say that "God knows the big picture", or that "He is watching over you and will meet your needs" etc. etc. Especially at this point, when everything is still a shock and there is so much anger...saying stuff like that is not going to help. And at the same time you feel a little useless saying that you'll pray for them and are here if they need to talk. I try to think of what I would want someone to do for me in those situations...and I guess everyone deals with things differently too, so it's not an easy answer. Sad sad :(

A pinch and a punch...

...first day of the month. It's JUNE! Wow. I can't believe it's here. It is nice out and the grass is green...but I still can't believe it has finally come. We wait for summer all year...and now it's here. YEAH! Last night after finishing our popsicles in the backyard, we went for a walk to the little lake nearby and threw rocks into it. A new game for Liam, and he loves it. Can't wait to go camping with them. I still have this glass in my foot, but it doesn't bother me too much. I'm dealing with rude neighbor kids who walk right into the house (without knocking) and ask me for snacks. I like having kids around for Riley to bike with, but sadly these neighbor kids aren't exactly the kind of playmates I was hoping for. I have to say something to the mom...cuz sometimes we can't even hide out in the backyard...they will open the gate and walk right back there. Oh dear. What to do?
Looking forward to holidays and seeing the fam.